2020: Permanent Installation
Media Sculpture Park, Tazlar, Turkey
2019: Permanent Installation
Anthony Wayne Bridge, Toledo, Ohio, USA
2019: Permanent Installation "Lucy in the Sky"
Central Subway Union Square / Market Street Station, San Francisco, California, USA
2019: Permanent Installation "Inside Out - Outside In - Inside Out"
Metro Crenshaw/LAX Corridor, Crenshaw/Expo Station, Los Angeles, California, USA
2019: Permanent Installation
713 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
2019: Group Exhibition
Krems, Austria
2018: Solo Exhibition "Matrix Paris"
EDF Fondation, Paris, France
2018: Solo Exhibition "Whiteout"
Oklahoma Contemporary, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA
2018: Permanent Installation
Royal Caribbean Cruise Ship Terminal, Miami, Florida, USA
2018: Permanent Installation
Neuro Science Center, ProMedica Hospital, Toledo, Ohio, USA
November 13, 2017 - March 26, 2018: Solo Exhibition"Whiteout"
Madison Square Park, New York, New York, USA
2017: Permanent Installation
Connective Corridor, Syracuse, New York, USA
2017: Permanent Installation "Symbols, Systems, and Proportions"
Tampa International Airport, Tampa, Florida, USA
2017: Permanent Installation "Tower of Light"
Promenade Park Depot, Toledo, Ohio, USA
2017: Permanent Installation
Wood Street Galleries, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
2017: Permanent Installation "Shelter"
Lane Avenue Gardens, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA
2016: Permanent Installation "GeNeSiS"
Center for Chemical and Forensic Sciences, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island, USA
October 22 - November 30, 2016: MFA Computer Art's 30th Year Anniversary Exhibition
School of Visual Arts Flatiron Gallery, New York, New York, USA
2016: Eight Installations for "Seeing Spartanburg in a New Light"
Recipient of the Bloomberg Public Art Challenge with the City of Spartanburg, South Carolina, USA
May 20 - July 9, 2016: "Rational Exhuberance"
Solo Exhibition at the Halsey Institute, College of Charleston, South Carolina, USA
April 2 - June 26, 2016: "Into the Ether: Contemporary Light Artists"
The Dayton Art Institute, Dayton, Ohio, USA
March 24 - May 14, 2016: "Light/Licht/Lumière"
C. Grimaldis Gallery, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
December 6, 2015 - March 27, 2016: "Spatial Illumination - 9 Lights in 9 rooms"
Daelim Museu, Seoul, South Korea
November 26 - 30, 2015: "Silent Swing" Solo Exhibition with Concert by Midori Seiler (Baroque Violin) and Christian Rieger (Organ) on November 30
Performance of "Rosary Sonatas" by Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber (1644-1704)
Monforthaus, Feldkirch, Austria
November 21, 2015 - June 31, 2016: Nahe Ferne ("Close Farness")
State Museum of Lower Austria, St.Pölten, Austria